VOA Affiliate Applicant

Community Health Incubator Banner

As a VOA Affiliate, Why Should You Participate in the Community Health Incubator?


  • 3 months of entrepreneurship and business development training + 3 months of coaching and mentorship with industry experts
  • Opportunities to collaborate and learn from other VOA affiliates and mission-aligned entrepreneurs
  • Lasting education and experience to instill into other new ideas in the future


  • $10,000 Futures Fund Affiliate Capacity Grant for Train & Model Stage
  • $15,000 grant for Test & Pilot Stage (must qualify to enter this stage)
  • Enhanced Affiliate capacity for innovation and entrepreneurship
  • Increased exposure for Affiliate’s brand and services
  • Possible eligibility for later stage venture investment up to $200,000


  • Increased access to health services
  • Reduced disparities by addressing social determinants of health
  • Potential connections and/or joint-venture partnerships with non-VOA businesses that focus on shared community health goal


To be eligible to qualify for the Community Heath Incubator, a VOA Affiliate Cohort team should be able to meet these following criteria:

Business Model

Succinctly describe your business idea, with a moderate understanding of its target market, competition, customer/client acquisition strategy, business model, and financial plan.

Social enterprises already piloted or launched with an intention to scale or adapt are encouraged to apply.

Health Equity Impact

Your potential new business or service line improves the health equity of underserved populations.

Financial Sustainability

It should be financially sustainable through viable earned revenue streams, not completely dependent upon traditional fundraising

Within a 3-year time horizon, it should be able to produce profit margins which may create a path for investor opportunities and/or add unrestricted income to the affiliate’s bottom line.

Two Person Team, up to ten hours per week

Teams need to be comprised of at least two VOA staff who can commit 8-10 hours per week for the duration of the 6-month Incubator program.

Approximately 2-3 of those weekly hours to be spent in Zoom training or coaching meetings.

CEO and Supervisor Support

The Affiliate’s CEO and CFO must be willing to commit in writing their support of the project and the time commitment of the Incubator team.

How to Apply

    APPLICATIONS ARE CURRENTLY CLOSED. To review our application process and access the Application Packet, click here.

      Key Dates

      • Wed & Thurs, December 8-9, 2021: Incubator Informational Webinar (click HERE to view the webinar)
      • Friday January 7, 2022: Proposals Due COB (SurveyMonkey® Submission)
      • Week of February 21, 2022: Incubator Notifications Sent
      • Week of March 7, 2022: Incubator Begins
      • Week of May 23, 2022: Incubator Concludes
      For more information, contact Tiffany Gathers, Senior Manager, Social Impact Development
      Phone: 703-341-5000